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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands
State of Tennessee
Asst Commissioners Office
Nashville. Febry. 22nd 1868.

Palmer. Lieut. Col. Fred. S.
Sub. Asst. Comm'r -
Memphis, Tenn.

Some days ago I received a letter from Mrs. Canfield and a Mr. Waiters, architect of the Asylum representing that the Trustees were doing nothing towards raising funds to complete the Asylum, and calling again on the Bureau for more aid. I wish you to give special attention to this matter and compel the trustees to redeem their pledges to you and to me.
They are trying to shirk out of it by working on Genl. Howard at Washington. You will examine the work carefully at once and ascertain to the best of your ability if the amount promised by the Trustees $3250.00 will complete the building after the Bureau appropriation shall have been expended. Report also what the contractors are doing, and what is the prospect of their completing the work.
I am Colonel,
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedt. Servt.
W. P. Carlin
Bvt. Major Genl.
Asst Comm'r
37 - 

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Asst Commissioners Office
Nashville Tenn Febry. 24th 1868

Walker. Bvt. Capt Saml.
Sub Asst Comm'r
Knoxville Tenn

Referring to that part of your report for January in regard to abandoned property I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to say that you will, as soon as practicable make a report


of all such property in your Sub District as cannot be occupied or rented for the benefit of Freedmen without loss to the Bureau. A report of the loss of this property is required with a view to drop it from the returns, and you will therefore, to report none that can be made in the least profitable if lands by renting, and if buildings by renting, or by occupying them for office or school purposes.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servnt
S W Groesbeck
(Signed) Lieut & A.A.A.G.

W.H. Bower.
Lieut & A A A Genl. 

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Asst Commissioners Office
Nashville Tenn Febry. 27" 1868

Green Rev. Wm
Agent B R F & A L
Winchester Tenn.

Your communication of the 25 inst enclosing oath of office has been received. The one of the same date addressed to the Rev D Burt State Supt. of Education has been referred to this office and contents also noted. In reply to your enquiries I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to inform you that the Bureau has not yet been suppressed in this State and that you may go on in confidence in your labors until you receive a formal discharge up to which time you will regularly receive the remuneration as fixed in your Commission. Mrs Green will also be sustained as long as she may desire to teach and the Bureau remains to encourage schools. Your order of assignment (which has not been issued on account of your delay in filing your oath of office) will be issued and be mailed to you to day
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt

Transcription Notes:
Edited- W.H. POWER - military records - A.A.A.G.