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615 & 616
S. W. Groesbeck
(Signed) Lieut & AAA Genl

W.H. Bower
Lieut & A.A.A. Genl

45 -
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lds
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville Febry 28" 1868

Palmer Lieut Col Fred S.
Sub-Asst Commr
Memphis Tenn.

Pursuant to a request of the Commanding General of the Department of the Cumberland - the Asst Commr directs that you will without delay procure one copy each of all the News Papers of influence in your Sub. Dist commencing with the issue of the 24th inst. and ending with the three next succeeding issues (making 4 copies).- Upon being obtained you will forward them immediately to the Asst. Adjt. Genl. Department of the Cumberland Louisville Ky, and report your action to this office giving the designation and the place where issued, of the papers so forwarded.
The necessary expense will be defrayed from the funds of the Bureau.
I have the honor to be Colonel,
Very Respectfully
(Signed_ S W Groesbeck
Lieut 42nd Infy & A.A.A. Genl

W.H. Bower
Lieut & A A A Genl


Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lds
State of Tennessee
Asst Commissioners Office
Nashville Febry 28" 1868

Hough Col A. L
A.A.A. Genl. Hd Qrs
Department Cumberland 
Louisville Ky.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th inst. and to say that I have ordered the Officers and Agents, of the Bureau in this State to forward to Major General Thomas, the papers published in their respective districts, in accordance with his request. Those from Nashville will probably be forwarded to day or tomorrow.
I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
You Obt Servt
W. P. Carlin
Bvt Maj Genl.
Asst Commr.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville Febry 29" 1868

Palmer Lieut Col Fred S.
Sub Asst Commr
Memphis Tenn.

The Asst Commissioner directs me to remind you that the Clerk authorized by him to be employed in your Office during the illness of one of your other Clerks, was designed to be but temporary, and directs that you recommend his discharge immediately upon the return of the sick Clerk to duty
I have the honor to be Colonel
Your Obt Servt
(Signed) S. W. Groesbeck
Lt & AAA Genl

W.H. Bower
Lt. & A.A.A. Genl.

619 -

Transcription Notes:
. Reopened - Military Records show W.H. Bower A.A.A.G. in Nashville, Tenn.