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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 6" 1868

Walker Bvt Capt Saml
Sub Asst Commr
Knoxville Ten

In compliance with your request contained in communication of 26th ult. I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to enclose herewith Transportation Orders No. 24.132 - 24.133 & 24134 for transportation of Martha & Landan and two others - destitute refugee children from Knoxville Tenn to Washington DC. Please acknowledge receipt of same

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W.H. Bower.
Lieut & A.A.A.Genl

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 8" 1868

Whipple Bvt Maj. Gen. W.D.
A A G. Dept Cumbd
Louisville Ky

I have the honor to transmit herewith enclosed, for the information of Major Genl Geo H Thomas Commanding Dept of Cumberland an article clipped from the Memphis Bulletin of yesterday (7th inst) regarding the Ku Kluck Klan.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W.P. Carlin
Bvt Maj Genl USA
Asst Commr


Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 10th 1868

Palmer Lieut Col Fred S
6th V.R.C. Sub Asst Commr
Memphis Tenn.

I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated April 8th 1868, and the accompanying report of H H Brown Agent B.R.F. & A.L. relative to outrages committed upon Freedmen at Collinsville Tenn. by a band of desperadoes etc. and in reply you are directed to report. The facts on the case to the Military Commander of the District in which said outrages occurred and endeavor to obtain his assistance in procuring the worst of the offenders - You will use all lawful means at your command to arrest and bring to trial any and all persons connected with the outrages as set forth in the report of Mr Brown
661 & 662

I have the honor to be Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W.H. Bower.
2d Lieut 45" Infy
A.A.A. Genl

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioners Office
Nashville April 11th 1868

Simpson Chas. R.
Sub. Asst. Commr
Pulaski Tenn.

I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner to inform you that in answer to your application for the renting of the Babtist School House at Pulaski Tenn. dated April 6" 1868