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and 4 students from Knoxville to Nashville. 
Please acknowledge receipt of the same. 
Very respectfully 
Your Obdt sevt 
W.H. Bower. 
Lieut. and A.A.A.G. 

Bureau R. F. & A. L
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, Sept. 23rd, 1868. 

Thompson, Bvt. Lt. Col. James
Supt Edu. Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Nashville, Tenn.

The Assistant Commissioner, Brt. Maj. Genl. W.P. Carlin U.S.A., directs that you make up and forward to this Office as soon as practicable, a detailed report of the operations of the Bureau in your Department for the year ending Septr. 30th, 1868.

As the Annual Report of the Assistant Commissioner is due on the 30th of Septr. 1868, it is desired that you forward you report with the least possible delay.
I have the honor to be, Colonel,
Very respectfully,
Your Ovedt. Servt.
W.H. Bowen.
Lieut. 45th, U.S. Infty.
Actg. Asst. Adjt. Genl.

Similar letters to
R Papendieck, Esq. D.O.
Jos. B. Coons Esq. G.C. Agent
Dr. ROvt. McNeilly Surg. in-chief-

Bureau Refugees, Freedent and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office.
Nashville, Sept. 24, 1868 -

Gelray, Brt. Lt. Col. Jos. W. U.S.A. -
Inspector Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Actg. Sub=Asst. Commissioner
Nashville Sub-District



I am directed by the Assistant Commissioner, Brt. Major Genl. W.P. Carlin U.S.A. to inform you that Mr. H.A. Eastman, AGent Bureau R.F. & A.L. at Columbia, Tenn., has tendered his resignation, and the same has been forwarded to the Commissioner, at Washington D.C. approved.  Mr. Eastman is at present i New York City, and will not return to Tennessee.  As the Commissioner will appoint no more Agents for the State of Tennessee, steps should therefore be taken immediately for the closing of the office at Columbia, and the transfer of the books and papers to your office.
I am, Colonel,
Very respectfully,
Your Obedt. Servt
W.H. Bower.
Lieut. and A.A.A.Genl.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, September 24, 1868 -

Hough, Brt. Col. A.L. U.S.A.
Actg. ASst. Adjt. Genl.
Department of the Cumberland -

In compliance with your request of the 23d inst., I have the honor to transmit herewith an official copy of the Report of Murders occurring in Tennessee from July 1st 1867 to July 1st 1868. as, called for in a Circular Letter from Head Quarters, Dept. of the Cumberland, and dated Louisville, Ky. July 10th 1868.
I have the honor to be, Colonel,
Very respectfully,
Your Obdt. Servt.

2nd Lt. 45th U.S. Infty - A.A.A.Genl.
In the Absence of the Asst. Comm'r 

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee-
Assistant Commissioner's Office - 

Transcription Notes:
-the number -196- is at top of next page. I brought it over.