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this Office at the earliest practicable date, your Monthly Report of the operations of the Bureau and condition of Freedmen's affairs in the Pulaski Sub - District, for the month of September 1868. 
I am, Sir,
Very respectfully
your obedient servant 
Jos. M Gelray
B'vt. Lieut Col U.S.A.
A.A.A Genl.

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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Ab'd Lands
State of Tennessee 
Assistant Commissioner's Office 
Nashville, Tenn, Octbe 19th, 1868

Simpson, M.C.R.
Agent Bureau R F and A.L.
State of Tennessee

Referring to your letter of the 16th inst. addressed to the Genl. Claim Agent Bureau R F and A L, State of Tennessee
I am directed by the Act'g Assistant Commissioner, B'vt Lieut Col. James Thompson, USA to inform you that instructions from Washington indicate that an officer for the "Disbursement of Bounties now in progress" will be retained at Pulaski.
You are hereby directed not to carry out the instructions contained in a letter to you from this Office, of October 12th 1818 - but instead thereof, turn over all records and unfinished business pertaining to the office at Pulaski to B'vt Lieut Col T. H. Reeves, U.S.A. and carry out so much of Par. II, Circular No. 12, dated at this Office, Octbr 9th 1868, as relates to yourself.
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Jos. M Gelray
B'vt. Lieut Col. USA
A.A.A. Genl.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abd. Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville Tenn, Octbr 20th 1818


Wilson, John, L. Esqr.
A'g't B R F and A L, Johnsonville, Tenn. 

By direction of the Assistant Comm. I have the honor to state that in accordance with the instructions from Washington you will be "retained in your present duties, until otherwise ordered" You will not therefore, be required to carry out instructions, contained in a letter to you from this Office, dated October 12th 1868, ordering you to close your office, transfer records, &c.&c.
I am, Sir
Very respectfully 
Your obedient servant
Jos. M Gelroy
Bvt. Lieut Col. USA
A A A Genl

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abd Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville, Tenn October 22nd 1868

Palmer Mr. Fred. S.
Sub. Asst. Com. Bureau R F &c
Sub-District of Memphis, Tenn. 

I am directed by the Bvt. Maj. Genl. W P Carlin, Asst. Com't to acknowledge the receipt through your office, of two letters of the 12th inst from M. J.J. Leslie, Sept. Him's school &c. asking that heating stoves for the same be furnished by the Bureau; also that some repairs be made on the school house, and to say in  reply that he is now engaged in turning over the property and duties of the office to his successor; and as new purchases
or expenditures would complicate matters in some degree no action will be taken in the matter at present. 
The letter will be turned over to his successor as unfinished business. 
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Jos. M Gelroy
Bvt. Lieut Col. U.S.A.
A.A.A. Genl.