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Memphis, Tennessee.


Your letter of the 2nd of November (just) has been received. An answer has been unavoidably delayed until to day.
Mr. J. H. Barnum, Asst. Supt. of Education, will be in Memphis soon. Please see him and make known your wants.

I have the honor to be, Madam,
very respectfully,
Your Able Serv't.
Bvt. Lieut. Col. U.S.A.
Asst. Commr.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aban'd Lands,
State of Tennessee,
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 13th 1868.

Carpenter, Rev. C.C.
Supt. Lookout Mt. Educational Institution,
Lookout Mountain, Tennessee.

Dear Sir:
I have the honor to forward herewith enclosed personal transportation orders nos. 135 to 152, inclusive, requested in your letter of October 5th, 1868.

Your appreciation for transportation for twenty-one persons, dated November 3rd, has been approved by the Commissioner. You can have it whenever you desire.
Please accept my hearty thanks for the kind congratulations contained in your letter of the 10th instant.
I have the honor to be, sire,
Very respectfully,
Your Obd't Serv't.
B'vt Lieut. Colonel U.S.A.,
Asst. Comm'r

Bureau Refugees, Freeman and Aban'd Lands,
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 13th, 1868.

Papendieck, R.
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Nashville, Tenn.

The Assistant Commissioner, Bvt. Lieut. Col. James Thompson, U.S.A. directs that you rent the school building at Johnsonville, Tenn., in favor of Amos E. Barnes, teacher, from Oct 1st, 1868, to Oct. 25th, 1868, at thirty dollars per month.
I am, sir,
Very respectfully,
Your Obd't Serv't.
W.H. Bower.
Lieut. 45th U.S. Infy,
A. A. A. Genl.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Adan'd Lands,
State of Tennessee,
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 18th 1868.

Walker, Lieut Samuel
45th U.S.A., Subt Asst. Commr, &c.,
Knoxville, Tennessee.

By direction of Bvt. Lieut. Col. James Thompson, U.S.A., Assistant Commissioner, I have the honor to inform you that you will be expected to furnish the same reports on educational matters as heretofore.
You will please forward the reports now due, at as early a date as practicable, that the consolidated report from this office may not be delayed.
I am, sir,
Very respectfully,
Your Obd't Serv't,
W.H. Bower,
Lieut. 45th U.S. Infy,
A. A. A. Genl.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Aban'd Lands,
State of Tennessee,
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 18th 1868.

Crego, R. F.