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purpose, giving as much publicity as possible, among the colored people to your intended visit. 
You will report to this office your plan of visits, giving place and time, for approval, when a special order authorizing such journeys as may be necessary in carrying out these instructions, will be issued. 
Very respectfully
Your obd't serv't. 
Bvt. Lt. Col. U.s.A.
Asst. Commr. 

- 256. -
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Aban'd. Lands,
State of Tennessee, 
Assistant Commissioner's Office, 
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 21st 1868. 

McMullen, J. G.
Agent, &c.,
Clarksville, Tenn.

You are hereby directed to arrange for the payments of Bounties at some prominent point in each of the following named Counties which will compose your District, viz:
Montgomery, Robertson and Stewart. 
You will visit such points as may be selected by you, at stated periods, as often as may be necessary for this purpose, giving as much publicity as possible, among the colored people, to your intended visit. 
You will report to this office your plan of visits, giving place and time, for approval, when a special order authorizing such journeys as may be necessary in carrying out these instructions will be issued. 
Very Respectfully
Your obd't. serv't.
Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S.A.
Asst. Commr.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aban'd. Lands, 
State of Tennessee,
Assistant Commissioner's Office, 
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 21st 1868. 


- 254. -

Eddy, Rev. Henry C.
Teacher Freedmen's School,
Spring Hill, Tenn.

Dear Sir:
Referring to your communication on the freedmen's school-house at that place, I am directed by Bvt. Lieut. Col. James Thompson, U.S.A., Asst. Commr, to inform you that your request is granted. You are authorized to contract with reliable parties, for the repairs requested, at an exchange not to exceed the amount-named-forty-three dollars ($43.00). The contract will be submitted to the Asst. Commr., and if approved, the work can be done, and the bill will be paid by the Disbursing Officer. 
Very respectfully
Your obd't. serv't.
W. H. Bower.
Lieut 45th U.S. Infty.,
A.A.A. Genl.

- 258. -
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aban'd. Lands, 
State of Tennessee, 
Assistant Commissioner's Office, 
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 23rd, 1868.

Judd, Lieut Geo. E.
45th U.S. Infty.
Sub - Asst. Commr., &c.
Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Referring to the communication of Bvt. Lieut. Col. James Thompson, U.S.A., Asst. Commr., dated Nov. 20th, designating the Counties to compose your Sub-District, and giving directions regarding the payments of Bounties, I am directed to inform you that Lincoln County will be included in the list named - and will form a part of your Sub - District. You will please arrange your plans accordingly.
Very respectfully, 
Your obd't. serv't.
W. H. Bower
Lieut 45th U.S. Infty.,
A.A.A. Genl.

Transcription Notes:
&c = etc viz = namely Bvt. = Brevet