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- 259. - 
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Aban'd Lands, 
State of Tennessee, 
Assistant Commissioner's Office, 
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 24th 1868.

Johnson, James M.
Agent Bur. Ref. &c..
Chattanooga, Tenn.

Your communication of the 23rd inst. had been received. In regard to schools you are expected to take special interest in their establishment and support - using your personal and official influence in their behalf, visiting them as far as practicable, as often as in your power. The Committee of the Presby'n Home Union - (Dr. E. F. Hatfield, 150 Nassau St., N.Y. City, Chairman) has assumed the support of the Bureau Schools and would doubtless aid in support of other schools in needy cases. 
You will please endeavor to procure a report from each of the colored schools in your District for information of the Commissioner, Gen. Howard. No consolidated report will be necessary. 
I am expecting information at an early date in reference to the amount of funds to be expected in this state for school purposes, and a proper share 2ill be appropriated to aid in your District. 
Very Respectfully,
Your obd't. serv't, 

Bvt. Lieut. Col. U.S.A
Asst. Commr.

- 260. - 
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Aban'd, Lands,
State of Tennessee,
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 23'd 1868.

Porter, Isaac,
Agent, &c.,
Gallatin, Tenn.

You are hereby directed to arrange for the payment of Bounties at some prominent point in each of the following named Counties, which 


will compose your District, viz: 
Jackson, Macon, Overton, Putnam, Smith, Sumner, and Fentress. 
You will visit such points as may be selected by you at stated periods, as often as may be necessary for this purpose, giving as much publicity as possible among the colored peoples to your intended visit. 
You will report to this office your plan of visits giving place and time, for approval, where a special order authorising such journeys as may be necessary in carrying and these instructions, will be issued.
Very respectfully,
Your obdt. serv't.
Bvt Col. U.S.A
Asst. Commr. 

- 261. - 
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Aban'd, Lands,
State of Tennessee,
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville, Tenn., Nov, 24'th, 1868

Palmer, Esq. Fred. S.
Sub-Asst. Comm'r.
Memphis, Tenn. 

I am directed by Bvt. Lieut. Col. James Thompson, U.S.A. Asst. Commissioner, to inform you that your Monthly Report of the condition of freedmen's affairs, and the operations of the Bureau in your Sub. District for the months of October 1868, has not been received at this office. 
Please make up and forward the same as soon as soon as practicable.
I am, sir,
Very respectfully, 
Your obdt. servant,
W. H. Bower,
Lieut. 45th U.S. Infry.,
A.A.A. General.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Aban'd. Lands,
State of Tennessee,
Assistant Commissioner's Office, 

Transcription Notes: