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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband. Lands.
State of Tennessee,
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville. Febry. 17th, 1868.

Balloch, Bvt. Maj. Genl. Geo. W.
Chief D.O. Bu &c
Washington D.C.

Since my letter from Cincinnati to you designating claim agents to fill certain vacancies was written, certain changes had taken place that will necessitate a corresponding change of that list.
Captain Michael Walsh has resigned from the Bureau. This will have Mr. Coons. in the place assigned to him in your list Nashville.
K. J. Sample, Agent at Lebanon is trying to get other employment, and may not remain in the Bureau.
As nearly all the names designated by me on your list were those of my clerks, and as there is still a possibility of the continuance of the Bureau, I may have to substitute other names for them all. I would request that no final action be taken as regards to their appointment, till we can have the action of Congress concerning the Bureau, or till it shall be changed in its organization by orders from other authority.
I am, General,
Very respectfully,
Your Obdt Servt
W. P. Carlin
Bvt. Major Genl USA
Asst Commr.


Bureau Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
State of Tennessee
Assistant Commissioner's Office
Nashville Febry 22d 1868

Howard Major Genl. O. O.
Washington DC.

Your letter of the 20th inst referring to the Colored Orphan Asylum at Memphis has been received. In reply I beg leave to invite your attention in the first place to my endorsement on a letter of Mrs Canfield's forwarded from this Office on the 15th inst which endorsement explains my views on this subject. Until the Trustee of the Asylum shall have redeemed their solemn pledges, to furnish the amount necessary to complete the building in accordance with the written pledge of Mr Tomeny, I cannot place any confidence in their pledges or arrangements, nor would I be responsible for any pledge they might make while the Trustees control the building and the construction. I respectfully recommend that no further aid be given to the Asylum. About Three Thousand dollars of the Ten Thousand appropriated by you remains unexpanded. There has been some trickery connected with the building of the Asylum that has destroyed my confidence as the managers and I trust you will not permit Mr Tomeny to get more money at his disposal, at least till we see whether they intend to complete the building and to Keep their pledge and obligations. It would be a tedious letter that could give the full history of this Asylum and the efforts of the Trustees to get the control of the money, and finally of their attempts to escape the obligations they voluntarily assumed.
You are slightly mistaken in the amount requisite to complete the Building according to contract over and above the Ten Thousand dollars appropriated by you. The amount required is $3250.00 without having made acurate [[accurate]] estimates- I do not believe that the building will be completed for that-

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