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United States Internal Revenue,
Ass't Assessor's Office, 5th District, Virginia.

Liberty Augt, 6th 1868

R.M. Manly
Supt Education VA

Dear Sir
Mr Varner has no official relation with the Pa. Br. F. U. Com. that I am aware of. He is not teaching. He will not be employed this winter by the Pa. Com. if I can prevent it. He is neither intelligent conscintious [[conscientious]] or honorable. I would not be surprised at anything he may say. The Com. will open about the same schools they had last winter. The col'd people will help support them. Can you make an appropriation towards building a house in Lynchburg? The petition which I sent you sometime ago has been turned over to Capt Wilcox. The man was shot in the neck instead of the arm as was stated in the petition. Please inform me what Mr Varner has said.

Very Respectfully, 
J. M. Stradling