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Burkeville Va
Sept. 19th 1868

Rev R. M. Manly
Supt Education

Dear Sir
Your favor of the 17th is at hand and in reply I have the honor to state that the School house at Meherrins Depot is ready for a School to be commenced therein on the 1st Oct next. It needs repairs to fit it for cold weather for which I have made requisition. I feel quite sure of being able to procure two school rooms at Lunenburg C.H. that will accommodate 100 scholars.
Mrs Austin and Miss Fermin Mr Stevens have made arrangements to start from this point on the 30th inst. Enclosed I send requisitions for Transportation from Bellows Falls Vt via N.Y. Washington Richmond etc to Mcherrins Depot. If theire Transportation tickets could be sent from Richmond direct on or before Wednesday the 23rd they would reach the parties in season. If not they would not reach them. I would suggest that instead