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Bureau R.F. & A. Lands
H'd Qr's 2nd Div.  6th Sub. Dist. Va,
Bowling Green  Oct. 19/68

Bv't Brig. Gen'l. Brown
Asst Commissioner
Richmond va.
Through Dist. H'd Qr's.

I have the honor to request that an appropriation of ($500-) Five hundred Dollars be made to the Trustees of the Col'd Baptist Church of this place to aid them in erecting  a school house, the balance of the amount required can be secured so that there will be no incumbrance left upon the ground or the building.
I beg leave to state, that not one dollar has ever been appropriated in this county for such purposes, and it seems but just that they should have a fair proportion of such funds, I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
F.S. Tukey
A.S.A. Commissioner

Transcription Notes:
need signature verified