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Penn. Tow. Chester. Co. Pa.
Octo 26th 1868
Saml. Henson

R.M. Manly

Rev. Sir

In answer to your letter of the 21st date of inquirey wither I will go to any place you may send me I cannot say that I have choice more than somewhat accessible & that may afford a good peaceable school and of a good size would be the only preferences. In regards to wages in offering myself as Teacher South. That wages is not my aim but in part to render both moral and litteral instruction among whom are many of my kindred having a small famly to support I thought that $25.00 & [[strikethrough]]would[[/strikethrough]] Board would seem as low as a man in my situation could teach for; if I could raise or be where a school could be large enough to [[?]] two or more