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Could you aid them to this amount? and for for this purpose?

Another item. The only place where I can obtain board is at a Hotel at twenty five dollars a month. The colored people promised to meet this, feel that they ought; greatly desire to do so, yet are not able.

I commenced my school Sep. 28th. At the close of a month I had rec'd with which to pay my board 7.35 and this month, thus far I have rec'd about in the same proportion. They can not meet it, and I must keep house.

Recently a small house was sold at auction, for 450,00  Without my knowledge, a colored man bid it off for me: so earnest are they that I remain so fearful lest I should leave them. The colored people were all so urgent that I took the house, but it has taken all the money I can now command, and it needs repairing before I could live in it. It consists of two small, unplastered rooms, an apology for a kitchen, and an unfinished attic, For seventy five dollars I could make it so that I could live in it, and I propose to teach here, if I should live, five years, or maybe more.