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The Sup't stated to the people that they could no longer be furnished with a teacher unless they could pay the board of the same. This they agreed to do; met it two months until June 19th 1868. It was a month last Mon. since I returned. commenced school Sept. 28th. my board is twenty five dollars a month and all I have rec,d to meet it is 7.35 Could you assist by furnishing the amount of board monthly for six months?
It is a particularly hard time with the people now, rents are enormous. and large proportion of them have purchased house lots, and are, this Autumn putting up little houses, which require all the means at their command. This school, if thus assisted, would have a normal class, which would, ere long, be able to go forth & teach in the towns about us.
Hoping to hear from you soon.  I remain
Respectfully E. James