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ported, my reports are pigeon-holed or suppressed. But sir, I have no regrets, confident that my conduct as teacher, with the success which has attended my labors, will prove in the end, to be all the vidication I shall need. Through my instrumentatry all these pupils have been supplied with all the necessary books, slates, maps, tracts, periodicals, ect. Immense amounts of clothing has been supplied to the needy and destitute. Not one man black or white in the Dist. has contributed one dollar to aid in this thankless and important work- single handed and alone I have struggled on with nothing to cheer me, but the sweet consciousness that I have done my duty.
As an evidence of what little interest the local agent manifested in my school, I will say, he did not visit it more than twice during his entire session from November to July. I been thus explicitly in self defense. 
The people are beginning to arouse themselves, they have a flourishing Church, a large Beneficial society and a sort of Educational Board organized and have raised almost enough means to purchase a site on which to erect a school building. The white citizens are quite friendly and well disposed. During the beginning of the year they organized a sunday school for colored children. The Teachers were mem-