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Bureau R.F.& A. Lands
Hd. Qrs. 4th Div 2nd S.D.
Lunenburg C.H Va
Dec. 28th 1868

Rev R.M. Manly
Supt of Education

Dear Sir
I have the honor to transmit herewith vouchers signed by the teachers of the Lunenburg School for the month of November/68

I hear that Scott at Burkeville is keeping the teacher sent there from opening a school in the House. I shall go there tomorrow and try to settle matters. I fear we shall have difficulty in organizing the school from the fact that the former Bureau agent failed to secure the Bureaus right by neglecting to have the Lease recorded or any reserve made in the deed in the M.E. church. I feel sure Mr Mitchell will put Scott right if he is informed of the facts

Very Respectfully Yours
Wm. P. Austin