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S.88.(BRF&AL) 11 Sub Dist Va V2/68
Bureau R.F & A Lands
Office 4th Div 11th Sub Dist Va
Halifax CH Va Dec 28/68

Stowell W H H 
A S A Com

States that in compliance with instructions of Chaplain R M Manly Sup. Education he has visited Clover Depot. Halifax Co. but there is no building for school purposes at that place. Asks if in case the Freedmen purchase a lot and put up a frame of school building the Buerau R F &AL will make an appropriation to complete same say $200 =
Rec'd 11th Sub Dist Va Dec 31/68

Bureau R. F&A Lands
Hd Qrs 11th Sub Dist Va
Farmville Va Dec 31/68

Respectfully referred to Brv. Brig Genl O Brown Asst Com Va. The within report is made in reply to a communication addressed to me by Chaplain Manly Sup. Ed. on the 29th Nov./68 which I referred to W H H Stowell ASA.Com While I consider that a school is required at Clover Depot still the great need appears to be support of teachers where we already have schools and I would respectfully suggest that provision be made to continue session of School at Halifax CH on same county in preference to expenditure for a new building at Clover Depot
Tho's P Jackson
Sub Asst Com

E&M 178 V2/68