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I think the people are doing all that they can for the interest of the school, the children seem more eager to learn, than they did last summer. I have some that walk ten miles and back, the week through, and do not seem to mind it at all. I teach six hours per day. I have been able to keep the sabbath school up all winter with a good deal of interest, I take 20 coppies of the Sunday school Advocate, and the same of the Good News, I received a donation from 200 Mulberry Street Org. of one hundred & twenty five book for the sabbath school.

I think the work is going on as well as can be expected, considering we are out of the reach of things that would be of help, if could be got readily.

I shall fill out the reports as best I can and shall be glad to get the twenty five cts per schollar it will help me a great deal, I remain under the same society as last year, I shall be glad to hear from you.

Yours obediently,
M. C. Foster

Lancaster Co.
Jan. 30, '69
Mrs. Foster