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Bureau R F and A Lands
Office 4th Ed Sub District
Gainesville Va  Jan 31st 1869

Genl O Brown
  Asst Comr Dist Va.

  In obedience to Cir No 1-dated Hd Qrs Asst Comr Dist of No. Richmond Va Jan 1st 1869, I have the honor to state that I have complied with the requirements of said circular and to respectfully submit the following report.
  Owing to the means of communication in many parts of this Dist, I have been necessarly [[necessarily]] unable to make as rigid an inspection as I would wish, and as I propose of doing at an early date I have however visited all the important schools, forming the acquaintance of the teachers and in governing myself as to this maneuver of teaching &c. All of these Schools I find in a prosperous and healthy condition.
  The teachers generally are from the North and have had years of experience in this work.