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and are thorough and determined in their duties. As the education of the people has ever been of the great principals of our Republican government, I find there is nothing in which these people have a deeper interest, than in these schools. They begin to realize that they are the emisaries of virtue and intelligence, and contribute decidedly to the security of life and property, the preservation of special order, and the stability of [[?]] institutions.

I find less opposition on the part of the white race. A more progressive and liberal view is taken - more sympathy is expressed - A necessity of having these people elevated is beginning to be thought well of. More inquiry is made, and more attention given to this subject. They begin to see that in a community where the elective franchise is so nearly universal, that almost every man has a direct voice in the character and stability of the Government, when the Government is but the expression of the peoples will, universal education becomes an obvious necessity.

The Normal School at Charlottesville under the management of Miss Emma Gardner,