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Wellville Nottoway Co Va
Feby 1st 1869

Rev R. M. Manly
Supt Education

Rev Sir,
Agreeably to your instructions I herewith enclose School Report for the month of January, I have taught 19 days & 15 nights. I teach from Sunday A.M. to Friday night, Except Saturday night, am only assisted thus for by most advanced students, The colored man who expected to assist me was obliges to leave his residence or engage himself on the plantation; so before I could ascertain how much I could give, he engaged himself, in order to insure a home, but if I break down I think I can secure aid sufficient to carry the school through as started; thus giving, the grown ones as well as children, an opportunity to get some Education, You can forward money by check through mail.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully Your Obt Svt
J.N. Murdock