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St. James Hotel
Washington D.C.
Feby 25th 1869

R.M. Manly

My Dear Sir,
Yours of the 20 was duly rec'd and I made the necessary inquiries at Jay Cooks and in answer would say, to your 1st inquiry, The Registered 10-40s can be had at Jay Cooks at any time - 2d They can be had at the  New York quotations of sales in N.Y. the day before you wish to purchase.
3d The interest can be drawn or collected by any one having Power of Atty from you. This advice was that to purchase before July 1st you would draw no interest, therefore it would be better to wait until then or about that time. Now as to myself, I am sick, tired and disgusted with my present business. There is so much coaxing, teasing, receiving after this Senator, and that M.C. and so many I