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Winchester, Va. Mar. 29. 1869,

Rev. R. M. Manly
Assist. Supt. Education
Richmond Va.

My Dear Sir:
Yrs. of 26 inst. at hand - We shall be able to send a teacher to Maysville (Buckingham C.H.). The lady and gentleman (white) of whom I spoke will probably go - If I knew the address of any prominent person there I w'd write them (the people) telling them we wd send a teacher or teachers -
Would not via Lynchburg be a more direct route than by way of Farmville? I mean, from New York.
Much obliged for the addresses of the several Assist. Supts. of schools.
If any other central points occur to you, where schools may be opened under favorable circumstances, please let me know.

Yours truly
Oscar M. Waring