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Crammond Kennedy, - Corresponding Sec’y.
Joseph B. Collins, - - - Treasurer. 
E. C. ESTES, - - - - Business Agent. 

Francis George Shaw, - - President. 

Henry A. Dike, - Chairman Executive Com. 
George C. Ward, - Chairman Finance Com. 
J. M. McKIM - - - Chairman Teacher’s Com. 

New York Branch 
Freedmans Union Commission, 
No. 30 Vesey Street. 
(Late National Freedman’s Belief Association.) 
New York, 10 April 1864. 
Rev’d R. M. Manly 
Supt- Richmond, VA -

Dear Sir: 

Yours of 7th Ins was received yesterday & I now enclose the copy of deed asked for, which I hope will be satisfactory. I have made the consideration two thousand dollars and, as soon as we satisfied that we have means sufficient to pay our teachers for this year, which I now see no reason to doubt, we will make a donation to the Rich'd Educational Assoc'n, for repairs on the property in question, of two hundred dollars. 

Yours Truly, 
Fran's Geo. Shaw