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Emmaus P.O.
Bedford Co Va
April 27th 1869

Rev R. M Manly
Dear Sir:

Enclosed with this please find my Report for this month which I hope will prove satisfactory. This school has been under my charge for a little upwards of two years and I am pleased to be able to say that in a long experience in the business of Teaching I have never had more satisfactory success both in moral and mental improvement. Those of my school that have been regular attendants during will equal and and in most instances I think surpass the white children of the community. The operations of the N.T.F Association close as they inform em with the term. I thought I would inquire of you what arrangements will be made, if any, for the continuation of these schools by the Bureau. The col'd population are not yet in a condition to support their own schools but can aid no doubts more than they have hitherto done. You will please inform me whether there is within your knowledge any prospect of continuing them after this scholastic year. By so doing you will oblige

Very Respectfully 
Yr Obt Servt
James E Lazenby