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Lebanon Russell Co Va
Apriel 30th 1869

Mr R M Manly  Dear Sir Your leter of the 23rd of Apriel com duly to hand the 28th of this Month  Sir you wish to so know how long I Have bin teaching I have bin teaching 7 Months 4 months at Lebanon Russell Co. Va and at Castels Woods three months which is 7 months 2 Rev Commadore D Kurt tonight three month 3 William Gardner three month allso you Wish to no what kink of a building it is [[?]].  friend Seald house I have to pay [[strikethrough]] for four [[/strikethrough]] 6 Dollers per month for the use of it But the House Mr Commodore D Kurt kept in was free of any thing allso Mr William Gardner School house is free Dear sir I am glad to se that you are [[strikethrough]] unl [[/strikethrough]] anksous and will aid us as a [[?pupil?]] So ma the lord anabel his peple Bair you upon the wings of love Number of Schoolers in my School and daily attendance 25 and 27  Rev Hurt School 19 & 20 Daily attendance.  Mr Gardner School 20 Daily attendance these schools are Dependent oppon me for thire reports for which I have not resevd any thing for these schools. So no More at this time But truly Your respect
Rev Founteen Richison