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and this man Wm Green is situated some 2 1/2 miles for the city the colored people down there are a little better of than those whom live around me they have a board of say some 12 men they are responsible to the said Green for the extra 10 Dollars this board charges 25 cts per head for children all over the the 10 Dollars to put in there pocketts you know it is to there interest to git all the schollars that they can they have been trying very hard to git some of my scholars they think if my school could be broken up why all of my scholars would come down there and they could pockett a good many 25 cts that is the cause of my not receiving any aid from major Ewing they went to him with lies unbeknowing to me and when I got the hint of it Maj Ewing was in Washington I can give as good a recommendation as any poor man would need to have of my character or my Republican principals all that can be said of me I Deserted the Rebels and went over to the Union Army becaus I knew that the Union was right 

L A Birchett

Let me here from you soon

June 12, 69
L. A. Birchett