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Northumberland Co. Virginia
Clerk's Office County, Circuit Courts Aug 5th/69
Rev. R.M. Manly
Supt. Education

Dear Sir,

There is a young colored woman, named Martha Cornish, who has been teaching a small school, numbering about twenty, in the Coan Dist. of this County since last Fall.  She closed her sch. the first of this month having taught seven months in all.

I write to know, if she, by making report to you can receive the benefit of the Peabody fund for the whole or a part of that time.  Miss C. removed here from N.J. about a year and a half ago, where she attended school, and for a time until she commenced her sch. was a pupil of Miss Goodyear.  I believe her fully capable for the work she has undertaken, and entitled to the benefit of the fund.

Mrs Foster is intending to close her school