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L.S. 502, 2d Vol/69

Lynchburg, VA
August 18, 1869
Stewart, Wright

and accordingly I was in able to Go on.
and while going I never will for Get such. Men as thou art who had condesend to help the ignorant which we are compel to consist.

Whil on the Lenit of time will we forget those that are piloting our lazy ship of ignorance which was loaded down to [[Hersican?]] click with supersition which was Bown for the dark ports of Slavery

May God Bless Such Pilots Shall be your Humble Servant prayr pardon me for saying all this and oblidy your .obt. Servt. with an appropriation for the Month of january which I aim in the average for as that was the month in which my Session Commence I am.
Very Respectfully your
obt Servt Wm H. Stewart

for this Reson that I sign not those vouchers
Please let me have you Desison