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New York Branch Freedman's Union Commission,
Committee on Correspondence and Organization.
[[strikethrough]] 30 Vesey St Room 22 Bible House [[/strikethrough]] New York.
North Shore N. Y. Aug. 12th, 1869

Rev. R. M. Manly

Dear Sir
Your letters of the 6th and 7th have both reached me & I am much obliged for such a full answer to my inquiries. Of the places you mention which have no Normal Schools, I personally should prefer to establish one at Petersburg, if its nearness to Richmond does not render any such School unnecessary. Norfolk & Wytheville being already occupied by other societies we should scarcely wish to try to establish Schools in those places & the Res'n Board means to take up Christiansburg & send Miss Eastman back there with a sister of hers as assistant- of course, if the A.M.A. feel like withdrawing their teachers of advanced classes from Norfolk & a Normal School is needed there, we should like to send our three ladies there, I should like to hear about this city & Petersburg

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North Shore N.Y. 
Aug. 12. '69
Miss. Lowell
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