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Friends Freedmen Association, Philadelphia
116 North 4th St
Sept 6 1869
RM Manly
Supt Education Richmond Va
Enclosed please find modifiec schedule of schools which I hope is correct and will be satisfactory. Total amt of rental charged $585.31. No letter has yet been received from Geo C Carbelle relative to lease of the Danville property. AH Jones, our Supt will attend to this when he goes to N. Carolina about the 1st proximo. The Com on Instruction have decided to act upon the suggestion to open or adopt 5 or 6 new schools in S.W. Va. on the R.R. near or beyond Newbern. Capt Shaeffer has been requested to report where they are most needed. The Com do this with the understanding that aid will be furnished by the Bureau and from the Peabody fund through the agency. The chairman of the Instr Com regretted not having met them here, he overlooked the appt till too late.
Thy friend
ME Shearman

Transcription Notes:
Previous page 44 cover says Sept 6