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Madison C.H. Va. Oct 1st 1869

Rev. R.M. Manly

Yours of the 30th Sept. received I am surprised that you should withdraw all assistance from the School at this time  May I ask the reason? 
I have had, as you know, considerable trouble in getting up a School here. Few persons were in favor of it at first. Now every prejudice (with but few exceptions) are over-come, and the School increasing daily, I find all aid taken away, and no reason for so doing assigned. Perhaps some Vile Slanderer has been to work against me again; if so, I expect you to tell me. I hope you do not intend to treat me about this School the same as you were pleased to do [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] about the one in King Wm. Co, I feel very much discouraged I assure you, An immediate reply will greatly oblige me. Please send the $10 for rent as usual.

Very respt &c
Roberta D. Scott