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Pamplins Depot Va
Oct. 30/69

Rev R. M. Manly,
Supt. E.D.

Dear Sir,
I have the honor to submit herewith the monthly report of the col'd School at this place for the month ending October 31st 1869.
I feel that success in the most ample signification of the word, awaits the future of the Carson Institute, at Pamplins. The School house is pleasantly located is sufficiently large and Commodious, but it is not furnished with Maps, Charts, Black-boards, etc. as yet. This is a great defect and much to be deplored but we will try to get the necessary apparatus before many months time. Size 30 by 25 feet. Ceiling 12 feet, which is high enough. Windows quite large enough having 12 panes of glass each 14 by 16 inches in size. The door is a little dilapidated.  The pipe is rusty, battered and broken. The School ground is covered with decideous trees, which will