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Nov the 7th 1869
Madison County Vg
Rev R.M Manly
Dear Sir
Dear Sir
In regard to the school I have made a sessation and because I could not teach after such small amount you say would allow me a salary eight dollars per month I can't live by eight dollars per month clothes myself and board myself too.
Mr R B Hunter says he meant that with the assistance would be given me from this office would amount to fifteen dollars by a small sum from the schollars. Twenty five cent per month, from the pupils, I will state that by that rate how should that be a free school. I can't trust the payments from the pupils for the people here is hard run, some of them can't pay that, wood to buy that is much as the pupils can do to buy wood, it was said that no rent paid for the house, but the owner have charge rent for the house. So I can't pay rent for house and clothes myself & board myself out of eight dollars per month it would bring me in debt at rate, so I would rather decline the idea and make my living otherways