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Lovettsville, Va.,
November 12th, 1869
R.M. Manly, Esq.,
Supt. Education, &c, &c
My dear Sir:
I take occasion this morning to respond to the inquiries of your note of the 6th ult.: and 1st- "When will the school house (church) be ready for use for a school?"
Every thing about the building is finished except the plastering, and the desks and benches. The building is already lathed, and the plasterer will renew his work to-morrow according to engagement, and soon complete the job if the weather should be favorable. The carpenter has the material on hand for desks and benches, and in a short time can put them in place after the plasterer shall have done. The weather, then, being favorable, it may be safely stated that every thing will be in readiness for school, so far at least as relates to the building, by the 1st of December prox.
2nd. "Do the people want a school, enough to meet the expense of a teacher: board, squarely and promptly?"
For this I answer upon consultation with two of the trustees unequivocally-yes.
Hoping the foregoing may prove satisfactory.
I am,
Very Respectfully
Yours &c
James Willard.