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Surely we can see a decided improvement, and it is a pleasure to help them, for they are so greatful. I inherit my Anti Slavery principles very honestly, and I was raised a Friend, (or Quaker) which accounts for the interest I feel in this long neglected race. who ever knew a true Friend who was in favor of Slavery? I have heard of such a thing, but I never found one yet who would acknowledge they thought it it Right to hold a human being in bondage. Thank God it is all over now, and they have as good a right to life as any person north or South. your expression in regard to our Salary being paid monthly coincide with my feelings. but if the rest can stand it, I suppose I can though I certainly do think it a very poor plan to pay Quarterly. but I think I will try to find another field in which to labor next year so will endure it. I trust you will excuse the freedom I have used in addressing you. but I left under obligations to acknowledge your kindness, I will send my Report at the end of this month, and any time it may be wrong, you can inform me, and I will try to correct. I remain respectfully
Harriet W Polhemus
Bol 4