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Comdg If I were the scoundrell Major Johnson Captain Wentworth and Robinson says I was why did they do all they could to honor me as few or no other negroes were honored in the State? Shame! If it had not been for me. In this section of the State we should have had one Senator less in the Senate, and one Representative less in the House of Del. ask Massey. I am going to teach my school myself personally. Mrs Ellett was instructed to Report her school separately. I am informed, by Mr. Armton a gentleman who passed through here some time since. She is now teaching with me. I have just commenced and cannot Report Progress to any marked degree I feel myself not fully competent to the task of properly conducting a school . Those are very few cold men or women in this Commny Competent for the task. My idea is to get this school on a thriving and prosperous condition and thus pave the way to install one or two competent lady teachers. There is not one of my first class scholars but can teach poor Robinson. 
Trusting I may be able to fulfil my pledge to have fifty scholars at New Year. I remain your truly
Geo. E. Stephens 