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Tappahannock Essex Co Va, Nov 15th/69

Mr Manly, 
Dear Sir, 

You will please read these lines very carefully, & than answer, there is some trouble now with we teachers, all on account of one Geo. E. Stephens, who have not taught a lesson for more than eight months & because Mr Hunter the inspector came to Tappahannock, inspect my school, & expressed himself satisfied with the pupils here whom he have inspected, Mr Stephen now thinks that there is some money to be made from the school now. So he shoves himself in, & tries to assome master of the shool & likewise myself & Mrs. Ellott, my assistant teacher, Mr Hunter when here, proposed to exchange the buildings that is, leave L.H. Robinsons house, remove the school to a large brick building known as the old court house. he farther said that, we three teachers could go there, teach. together, each get as many scholars, as we could, each make his, or, her report, each month, then, each would get some money, Mr Stephen says, this shall not be done. We shall not be allowed to make our reports, he intends to make the reports recieve the money. pay it out us as he think proper, he Mr Stephens farther says, he entends to take the those of the pupils, which are advanced scholars. We are to take those in Alphabet.