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Caroline Nov 30th 1869
Mr RM Manly
Dear Sir this is to inform you that Mrs. Alstons School are going on very will the people were alille dull in sending their children at first and to inform you that the committee of the church and Bro Robt Abrahams could not agree in what way the money should be usd on the Church after paying for Sash and glass to make the house comfortable and tite we wanted to use the balance on the inside there are 15 benches wanting in the loer part and there are not one in the Galory all that go up there has to stand up and there are no stepts to either door and Bro Abrahams went and had made a lot of coose shuters made for all the windows so as to get a job of making the hinges at 50 cts pr hinge making 6 pair for each window and I understand from some of the members that lives near the church that the shutters and hinges cost over 41 dollars Sister Slaton says after making the church comfortable so much reather the inside should have been fixed up next and I understand that Bro Abrahams said because the body of the church would not agree with him to have shutters made that some of us was working against the school for my part I can [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] say and prove by Sister Alstons letter which I now have in prosession that I was the first and only one that writ to hir to come to my house to teach and i would get hir up a good school she came according to request and Stad with my a week to see whod find could do all the neighbors was infaivour of hir teaching but Wm E Crocket had a small private school and would not agree to Give up his schoolers, so Mrs Alston said she did not wish to have any words with him and she much rather I should get a situation some where else I then tok hir down to Mangohic and then got up a school for hir thare am no greater lover of education in this country than my self by having alille I know the use of it please write to me and pass your opinion who you think are right in repair of the church I have bought the lumber for our schoolhouse but times has been so hard I have not commence to build it yet I will be down to see you in a few days 
Your true friend
Wm J Courtney