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Heathsville Northumberland County Va. 
December 27th 1869 

Rev. R. M. Manly 
Supt. Education Bureau R. F. and A. L. 
Richmond Va 

Dear Sir, 
Agreeable to you request, I forwarded from Washington to you address, a contract signed in triplicate, and vouchers in duplicate for the erection of a school building on land recently donated by Miss Stebbins in this County. It was my intention while in Washington to write you, and offer some suggestions which have been named to me relative to the location of the school, but my time was so occupied I neglected to do so. 
The lot deeded by Miss Hebbins is something like three quarters of a mile from the travelled road; the reason for this selection was that the dwelling the teacher would occupy is near to this place, and we considered the distance to the road too great for the teacher to walk through all winds and weathers and keep up the night school. The suggestion which was made by Dr. Nash and Miss. Howland is this, that the school house be built