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Janry 7th 1870

Dare Miss Manly

i take this opportunity to write you a few line to here from you and to here from you and to here if you tenon pay me my Monny for Four months up done Fir you must write to me the nex male and Let me here from you for it have Tech equry Since the 8 day of Novaember up to this time and you have Tritted me very bad in deed you Told me to go on and Tech Shools and you Wold pay me my monny But this is four month I have been Tech and i have no reciv no sappot from you and i very gard of you tritted me in that way the Last Letter i wrote you i wrote you to may me 7 dollors pe month and say no more abute it have the first month 16 in and this month 31 in and if you will pay me 7 dollors per month