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Tappahannock Essex Co Va, January 14th, 1870
Mr Manly.
Dear Sir, 
As my School have increased So largely this year, I though, I, would pen you these few lines, asking you if you if you have any books in your possession, for donation if so, please forward some of them to me. I have a very day & night school. There is no other Night School, taught in Tapk. except the one taught by me. there is so much work to do here, in educating my colored friends, that I would like to have some one to aid me a little, in this good & great cause. if I had just a small supply of book it would aid so much in supplying my Night pupil with books. as my Sabbath will commence, next Sunday I would render you many thanks, if you would, pen a few lines, to, T.D. Walford, asking him if he could supply me with some Sunday School books, as I have not heard any thing from you this year. please answer, by return mail. let me know, what I must depend upon this year, by so doing, 
you will, oblige, yours truly
Richmond Robinson