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[[top margin]] The people must not fail you in the matter of board and rent. I can do nothing in that direction. I will aid them in the creation of a school-house if they are in earnest to have one and that will save them the necessity of paying rent. [[/top margin]]

Pittsylvania C.H. Va Jan 14th/70

R.M. Manly Supt. of Ed.

Dear sir
I cleaned a Freedmen's school here on the Third of Jan, having received an appointment as teacher in said school, from the Friend's society in Philadelphia. My school numbers at present, twenty five scholars, there are several others who have entered, but for the want of suitable clothing, they have not come in yet. I hope that by the last of the month to have several more. There is a colored school taught here by "Ms. Benedict," member of the Presbyterian Church, her school is sustained by a donation sent her from some of her northern brethren. How long her school will continue I am not certain, but I suppose when the donation is exhausted the school will stop. Ms. C.S. Schaeffer of Christiansburg visited this place in Dec. & a Committee of the Principal colored people made choice of myself as their teacher. I was the first one who taught a colored school in this vicinity, for which I was very much abused, but the spirit of opposition is dying out, & I hope the prejudices