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Boston. may 12: 1870.

Rev. R.M. Manley
Sup: Education &c 
Richmond Va

Yours of May 9" is received, with thirty dollar (+30.) enclosed as overpay of A.E. Alston's Sal-y. I thank you for your prompt reply to my request of 7 mst. I have paid the full salary as follows:
A.R. Johnson. for Jan 7 Feb 7 & Mch.
M.C. Anderson for Jan 7
O.Kelly       for Jan 7 Feb 7 & Mch.
J.E. Lagetry  for Jan 7 Feb 7, Mch, & Apr.
C.V Usher.    for Jan 7
I have in my hands sufficient balances due each of them to cover the overpayt of $10- per month, and will make the deduction in future payts to them. 
The following additional Virginia teachers were transferred to us by the N.Y. Branch on February 8th 1870.
Mrs. C.M. Williams ,Columbia, Fluvanna Co, Va
Miss Kate Cummings Abingdon Va
Miss M.L Brooks Abingdon Va
Robt Scott Tunstall's
I am paying them the full salary agreed upon with the N.Y. Society, and shall continue to do so unless I hear from you to the contrary. Any portion of their salary which you think fit to assume, will leave just so much to the credit of the N.Y. Socy for fresh work. Yours very respectfully
E.W. Hooper