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want to be sure of their ground, and be made confident:
1 Of Mrs St. John's adaptation to the care of such an interest; (a) her integrity (b) her knowledge of business, prudence, energy, judgment, ability to manage and control and
2 Of the facts relative to the Home. (a) Its present condition and wants. (b) The necessity of its continuance. (c) The hope of its ultimate success, if moderate pecuniary assistance can be had.

Do not understand me as implying any doubt of Mrs St Johns on her statements but as in search of information to guide the friends of Christ and of His poor, in the bestowment of their benefactions

Please give me an early response to this with such information as you have or can obtain. I ask it in behalf of our common humanity and the interests of a pure christianity.

If the home is both needy and needful and Mrs. St John from inacquaintance with business, or any other cause, is not a suitable custodian of the benefactions of friends please name a person, to whom