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Leesburg Va, May 24th 1870
Rev R.M. Manly
Richmond Va
Dr. Sir
As the school that we have charge is soon to close, we give you a concise statement of the work that has been accomplished during the term. The number of pupils that have attended the school has been 160, the oldest, 57, the youngest 5 years: of this number only ten left school that were unable to read well. Forty of the above could scarcely read the II National Reader, none has ever studied except those that attended school last year. Geography, Grammar, written and mental Arithmetic, the most advanced class in Arith when we opened school this term, had progress as far as multiplication, our other classes scarcely know what numeration was. We are happy to state to you Sir, that through great difficulties the school has advanced rapidly in Arith, they (the grammar part of the school) have become familiar with all the fundamental rules, and fractions. one class has just entered simple