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[[Reduction ?]], [[Gea ?]], they have studied carefully and committed nearly all of Manterth's 1.2.3 text Books to memory. are well acquainted with the capitals of all the States, their boundarys, and the capitals of the countries of Europe, Asia, & Africa. Spelling they have done well. the same in Reading, Writing they have done wonderfully Mr Waring's system of printing their lessons on the slate which we have adopted as a requirement of the Scholars has been the main inception to their advancement. Gran. we have succeeded as well as we could have expected. though an important. we have to move slowly and impress its importance of their minds. Composition a lately taken by the school we are succeeding in finely. To Mrs. Burell and Miss Hughes our thanks are due for their perseverance in instructing the female pupils in Needle work, Knitting & Tatting in which they have succeeded well

When we opened school this fall our room was small and uncomfortable both to teachers and scholars. it being also unprovided with desks, but receiving a munificient donation from the Bureau