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through you Sir, and with money we had collected we were able to make it more comfortable to all, yet we have not been able to complete it. 
Our thanks are due Messrs Cortes & Brown N.Y.  former S. School, Supt of our's for a Box of Books, and to the G. G. Rany, of Belvidere N.J. for a Box of Clothing, and to the Society of Friends Phil, Pa. for a barrel of Clothes, Books & Papers, from the donations of clothing we have distributed over 200 garments to them that attend the School and to the poorest of the people here The tax levied on the pupils has been lamentable failure a few have paid for the many and has been an obstacle to the improvement of the school at present we have over $30.00 on our roles yet not paid and likely to remain so besides besides it has been the means for receiving any amount of abuse. We would respectfully suggest to you the non levying of the tax the next term except so far as to provide fuel for the school. The future prospects of the school is likely to become one of the most flourshing schools in this part of the State it is not necessary for me to state to you the privations that teachers have had to undergo but we suppose that it is a part of