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Lynchburg June 2nd 1870
R.M. Manly
Dear Sir
I seat myself to address you a line or too in reference to my school. I have been teaching for the Pa Association since Oct last to the 27th ult at which time the school closed, and now most of the larger boys and girls are at work in the tobacco functions, but there are a great many smaller children whose parents are anxious to continue sending them to school; but they are not able to pay a sufficient tuition to support a teacher in behalf of this class of people and your humble correspondent this letter is written. Can you not do something for us? the people are becoming interested in the education of the children and I hope you will aid them to some extent. If you can give something in support of myself that will enable me to carry on a school for two months it will be thankfully rec'd. Mr Yoder written to you before he went away; but as I never heard anything